Getting to know the Loneravn Records label: 5 significant releases

Loneravn Records is a reliable source of news about the Ukrainian doom metal scene for our editorial team. Eugene Voron, the label founder, tells us in detail how Loneravn Records was created and what it releases.
What is Loneravn Records
This is my personal project, so to say. The label started working under this name in late 2015 — early 2016. Basically, this is a kind of reincarnation of two other labels that I’ve found. They began their history back in 1996 and were closed in the spring of 2014. One of these labels was exclusively focused on European folk music, and the other was dealing with doom metal. Thus, Loneravn Records emerged on ruins of fantasies and ideas that used to fuel the functioning of previous labels. The current label works only with doom metal and other related genres.
The first release on Loneravn Records was "Titan". the album of the Finnish sludge death-doom band, Murder Hollow. It was dropped both on CDs (500 copies) and in digital format.
The latest release for today is the digital edition of "Cult of Personality". This is the second album of Haderach, the Canadian gothic doom band. Also, we’ve already planned to release the split of Doomcult (Netherlands) and Noyde (Ukraine, Kyiv) on April 26, as well as the album "In Memory Of H. P. L." by Koloss (Ukraine, Dnipro).
Loneravn Records works with doom metal and other genres that I find somehow related to it. The label doesn’t limit its activities to one format. Today, there are four editions on CDs (more than 500 copies), four vinyl releases (crowdfunding), and more than sixty digital releases presented on absolutely all core digital platforms. The realities of today are forcing us to make more and more digital releases. The ideology of the label, so to say, is based on the promotion of my favorite genre. I'm not interested in anything else. And thus, the digital format fits perfectly into this so-called ideology.
Plans for this year? To be honest, they are the same as for the previous year and the next one: to look for interesting representatives of the genre and try to make their music heard by as many people as possible. Everything is outrageously simple.
Yes, quarantine is in Ukraine and all over the world, and it made too many adjustments, and there is nothing to say about it. Except for one thing. I’d want to ask readers to stay at home if they have something to eat! Take care of yourself and your family! To avoid boredom, look for releases of my label on digital platforms and listen to them. Bands on the label and me will be happy if you don’t get bored at least one evening while listening to our music.
The most interesting releases
Unfortunately, I’m not able to answer directly and unambiguously. The thing is that I don't single anyone out. Each release, without exception, is unique and dear to me. And I don’t care which of them is more or less commercially successful. That's why I can name the last five bands recorded on the label: Voyage Noir (the Romanian-Italian gothic doom band), Sidus Atrum (Ukraine, Kyiv, blackened death-doom), Midnight Coven (the UK, doom rock), Mörmo (Argentina, doom), and Doomcult (the Netherlands, doom).
The label's catalog includes more than sixty releases of bands from almost all over the world. To be honest, I’m proud that there are bands from my dear Ukraine among them. This is Sidus Atrum, the band mentioned above. It makes uncontrollably daring and aggressive death-doom. Then, Noyde, the unique, chic, and atmospheric doom band. Also, I’d name Discordant System (philosophical, thoughtful progressive post doom), Krypta (classic, almost immortal gothic death-doom), and Asthme (unrestrained and hard progressive death-doom).
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