17.11 Holy Death over Kiev IV

Fri, 17.11.17 - 07:00
MonteRay Live Stage
350-550 грн.

Chilean-Swedish black metal band formed in 2001. They rightfully earned a cult status because of dark atmosphere of their albums and the true occult mass of live performances.

Thou Shell Of Death
The Estonian band that plays atmospheric black metal. The idea of ​​their music is based on the use of themes of natural archetypes, eternal rebirth and death.

До Скону
Ukrainian band that performs classical black metal whose lyrics revolve around the cult of death, mysticism and witchcraft.

Balance Interruption
Experimental black metal where industrial tunes, the decline of mankind and the post-apocalyptic atmosphere combined in harmony.

Evil and aggressive black/thrash metal. The band pays tribute in their music to the old-school atmosphere of true metal and the times when the black flame of war was born in the north!



350 грн - Предпродажа 
450 грн - Стоимость билетов в день концерта 
550 грн - ВИП билет

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В Киеве Вы можете приобрести билеты по адресу:
книжный рынок Петровка; левый ряд, место 88; тел. +38 096 819 29 19

Bloodred Distribution

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